Hugh Feilden
We were shocked and saddened to hear of the loss of Hugh Feilden, who died suddenly and unexpectedly on 24th August. He was a champion of conservation, and was always willing to share his wide knowledge and experience with us, and lend us his support. We remember his...
ASCHB Northern Convenors
Following our highly successful conference on Industrial Heritage, the Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings (ASCHB) are delighted to announce that Paul Beckett and Gez Pegram have come forward to be our new Joint Northern Convenors, based...
Fully Funded PhD Studentship
Historic England is working with the UCL’s Bartlett School Environment, Energy & Resources and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to offer a fully-funded PhD on a truly innovative topic in energy and the built environment:...
R J Durtnell & Sons
We are sad to hear of the closure of R J Durtnell & Sons, the oldest building firm in England. Founded in the 16th century, it started with timber-framed buildings and expanded to become a general building firm in the 1800s. It was the contractor for the Turner...
ASCHB 2019 Conference: Mills and Booms
A report of our conference is now on our Conference page.
Ashley Barker
We are sorry to hear of the death of Ashley Barker OBE FSA. An Honorary Member of ASCHB, he fostered the growth and development of the Association and served as the founder Chairman until 1989, when he handed over to Dr Ian Bristow. He was the last Surveyor of...
NHIG Events
Practitioners and professionals who would like preview of the presentation on Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings at our ASCHB 2019 Conference could join the National Heritage Ironwork Group Free Event: Conservation of Architectural Ironwork 2-day CPD at Shrewsbury Flaxmill....
ASCHB 2019 Conference
Details of our 2019 conference have been published on our Conference page. This year, our theme is Mills & Booms: The Conservation of Industrial Archaeology, Buildings & Sites in Industrial Use. We have lined up an array of speakers which promise a conference...
February Forum
Our February meeting is a debate on The Value of Posterity with a panel of speakers, see the Meetings page for details. Read our Chair's introductory document here
The Mason’s Company – The Gilder Lecture
The Mason's Company's Inaugural Gilder Lecture 'Stone & City' will be on 23 October 2018 at St Andrew's Holborn, and given by Adrian Paye of PAYE Stonework, who was recently involved in the reconstruction of the Temple of Mithras beneath the new award winning...